Where can I find my tracking number?
After we ship your order, you'll receive a shipping confirmation email. It will contain a tracking code, as well as a link to a status page.
If you haven't received a shipping confirmation email yet, chances are it hasn't yet shipped. Please see When does my order ship? for more information on the wait.
Be sure to check your spam or junk folder, as the mail might've ended up there instead of your inbox.
If you've placed an order using PayPal, Apple Pay or Google Pay, and if you weren't logged in to your account when placing your order, the mail may have been sent to the email address registered with your payment method instead. If you have multiple email addresses, you may have to check your other inboxes and/or spam folders, too.
Where can I find my invoice?
You can download your invoice using a link in your order- and shipping confirmation emails.
My parcel seems to be stuck
Is the tracking page not updating? Here's what to do.