
I received too many items

Received more than you paid for? Let's check things out.

Too many items? Lucky! We'd appreciate if you'd report it to us, so we can improve our processes.

Please send an e-mail to support, and tell us:

  • Which item did you receive too many of?
  • How many of the item did you receive in total?

Common misunderstandings

Some items are ordered in bundles, such as switches and keycaps. For example, if you order 5 bundles of 10 switches, you'll receive 50 switches.

In some cases, we'll include a few extra items meant as spares, usually one to three. This frequently happens with small or fragile items, such as certain hot swap sockets and socket pins.

In some cases, we'll include extra items because they're commonly used in kits, though they may not all be used in your specific kit. This happens frequently with hardware such as screws and spacers, and in particular with the angled reset button some popular kits receive as an extra.

Questions? Help us improve!
Do you have questions after reading the documentation? Do you have feedback about this page, or about the documentation in general? Please send us an email. You can use the buttons below which will open your mail client or app with a template, or send your mail to support@splitkb.com.