
Kyria case compatibility

For when you want to use a different case or make your own.

We recognise that we can't provide every combination of material and shape that people may be interested in, so instead we've made it easy to create your own based on our files.


All Kyria revisions are MX-spaced, meaning that the spacing between keys is 19.05mm x 19.05mm. This is true regardless of the version, so the spacing is the same between the MX, Choc and hand-solder versions.

When in doubt, you can download the DXF files on the relevant Github page and compare these to the case you're looking at.

Revision 4

If you're looking for the revision 4 case files, you can view them on our Halcyon Github page:

View the Kyria rev 4 case files
This revision breaks case compatibility. In revision 4, the side area that houses the controller was adjusted to be slimmer, as the Halcyon Series require far less space than the Kyria offered. The locations of the switches and mounting holes stayed the same, though. This means that the top plates can still be used, but the bottom plates will be too large.

The Halcyon Kyria rev 4 has a new outline, requiring a smaller bottom plate. It also has different positions for its reset button and interconnect cable, and thus is not compatible with cases made for older revisions.

Revision 3

If you're looking for the revision 3 case files, you can view them on our Kyria Github page:

View the Kyria rev 3 case files
This revision breaks case compatibility. In revision 3, some of the mounting hole positions changed. This revision also no longer supports 2u keycaps on the thumb cluster, and thus no longer support the use of stabilisers which were required by those 2u keycaps.

When using a wireless controller, you may want to use a power switch. This can impact the choice of case. If your case doesn't allow room to access the switch, you can consider using ZMK's "Soft Off" feature instead of using a physical switch.

Revision 2

If you're looking for the revision 2 case files, you can view them on our Kyria Github page:

View the Kyria rev 2 case files

Cases made for revision 1 will also work for revision 2, with one exception: revision 2 introduced an optional power switch for wireless use, which older case designs may not have allowed room for.

When using a wireless controller, you may want to use a power switch. This can impact the choice of case. If your case doesn't allow room to access the switch, you can consider using ZMK's "Soft Off" feature instead of using a physical switch.

Revision 1

If you're looking for the revision 1 case files, you can view them on our Kyria Github page:

View the Kyria rev 1 case files

Cases made for revision 1 will, of course, work for revision 1.

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