Nice Nano
Schematics and pinout diagrams
What's wired to what, and which functionality hides behind what pin? Find it in these diagrams.
The latest version of the pinout and schematics can be found on
Are you wondering what the various pins on the nice!nano can be used for? The schematics below will contain all the information you need.
nice!nano v2

nice!nano v2 pinout diagram.

nice!nano v2 schematics.
nice!nano v1

nice!nano v1 pinout diagram.
- P0.04 (AIN2) is used to read the voltage of the battery via ADC. It can't be used for any other function.
- P0.13 on VCC shuts off the power to VCC when you set it to high.
- This saves on battery immensely, in particular for smart RGB LEDs that continue to draw power even when off.

nice!nano v1 schematics.
Steps to flash your nice!nano controller.
The nice!nano uses the Adafruit nRF52 Bootloader
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